Little benefit to wind power

August 27, 2005

I do not understand the current push for industrial wind development in Vermont.

Wind turbines, if built in
Vermont, will have no effect on the conventional power systems (nuclear, hydro, grid purchases) that are currently in operation, nor will they prevent the construction of new conventional power plants as demand grows. That is because we need conventional power generation when the wind is not blowing at the proper speed.

At best wind power replaces some fossil fuel use when the wind is blowing — but in
Vermont we burn very little fossil fuel. The wind generation might replace some nuclear generation (though it is my understanding that it is difficult to ramp down a nuclear plant and then have to ramp it up again) or hydro.

So why build wind turbines here? We tear up lots of land, place roads and power lines on our ridgelines, limit the access to wilderness areas because the power facility must be fenced and endanger wild life.

This makes no sense to me — we pay an enormous cost for virtually no benefit.

We need to reduce fossil fuel use by developing fuel-efficient cars. Cars burn oil. We don't burn oil to make electricity in





 Published: Saturday, August 27, 2005


Wind a fraud

There is not a thing that can be characterized as "know-nothing" about the Free Press' attitude on wind generators and the seriously and technically flawed concept of industrial wind energy. The Free Press has done a superb service to the entire state with its studied, thoughtful and continuing examination of the clear and present problems associated with industrial wind energy. The writer who complained about the paper's policy (Free Press, Aug. 14) made several accurate statements about what wind isn't (polluting) and doesn't do (use of certain materials) but he neglected to comment on what it really doesn't do, which is work, which is perform, which is provide a meaningful energy service.

Wind energy is a fraud. A saccharine sickly siren song that claims to be free as a summer breeze, entirely ecologically loveable and -- my goodness -- "the" solution to global warming.

Wind is erosion, deforestation, destruction of bird and animal habitats, night sky and noise pollution, ruined towns and businesses, lost tourism revenues and seriously negatively affected home price values. And all this in exchange for a token; a quite meaningless token that does not function but enriches a few developers and allows the questionable practice of selling "green credits" that permit out-of-state polluters to continue their pollution. A leaky garden hose will have a greater effect on a 10,000-acre forest fire than wind energy will on global warming. Neither
Denmark nor Germany despite over a decade of Herculean efforts has brought a single conventional plant off line.

The Free Press deserves accolades, awards and eternal thanks for their role in explaining the problems associated with wind energy.




No replacement

In defense of wind power, a recent writer, a member of the American Wind Energy Association, (Free Press, Aug. 14) points out that wind energy emits no air, water or global warming pollution. He neglects to mention that it also produces no electricity unless the wind is blowing.

Homes and businesses require a reliable source of energy, hence wind power can never replace more conventional and reliable sources of energy. It is for this reason that
Denmark has built 5,000 wind turbines, but not closed a single coal-fired electrical plant.

Wind energy is expensive, inefficient and unreliable. We would do better to spend the money on conservation, particularly of gas and oil, which is responsible for more pollution than electricity, and on devising ways to reduce emissions of coal and gas-fired electrical plants.